Dear Little Sims,
I’m sorry you can’t have that swimming pool and bee box you want; your section is just a bit too small and your finances just a bit inadequate for the task. I don’t quite understand why you so desperately want a wash tub when you have a fine electronic washing machine, dryer and clothsline. I know due to your slob trait you need to use these often -but that is okay.
I guess you may watch Civic Public Access television, but only for so long each time.
We have lots of fun together and I am going to miss you terribly when Grimm comes to collect you. We have done a fine job of raising two daughters together and they will continue your legacy. I will do my best to ensure you get to enjoy some grandkids before you go. In the meantime, I hope you are enjoying your retirement. All that fishing, gardening and puttering around the house.
Your creator, life-story narrator and watcher.