My simself who is now grown up and his wife have 2 toddlers the oldest, Simona is Fussy and Wild and Frederick is Angelic, I brought Parenthood yesterday and My simself David with Simona is mostly calm and firm and with Frederick he is Firm and Strict, I am seeing which style works best, Both must clean up or I will use firm or strict after asking once, I also tell them off calmly if they have a meltdown or hug it out. If Simona throws fits I am a little firm. The Curfew will be 7PM until they are teens and if when they are child age and good they will get to stay out until *PM, Curfew set to 9PM Though. I am also Praising the kids, overall, I aim to be balanced and My sim is not favouritising, he is just slightly stricter on Frederick as he is angelic.