Forum Discussion

SimsTime's avatar
New Spectator
2 years ago

Disappointment: Individual railings discarded. "Fix" is not enough.

Recently, an image of The Sims 4 appeared on the internet that hinted that we would receive the long-awaited individual railings. In this image, there is a staircase, and there is no railing encroaching on the sidewall area of the staircase, as you can see.

The problem is that SimGuruMorgan confirmed that there are still no individual railings in the game, and what they did was just a fix that makes the railings disappear when they are on the same side as a wall.The problem is that SimGuruMorgan confirmed that there are still no individual railings in the game, and what they did was just a fix that makes the railings disappear when they are on the same side as a wall.

However, she also said that there are still situations where railings can still appear. Like in this image, where a railing is going through the wall of another staircase, which is aesthetically horrible.

I would just like to say that this fix is not enough. There are numerous situations where I would just like to add just one railing, on just one side of the stairs, but I can't do that because the game automatically adds two railings and both sides of the stairs.I would just like to say that this fix is not enough. There are numerous situations where I would just like to add just one railing, on just one side of the stairs, but I can't do that because the game automatically adds two railings and both sides of the stairs.

I'm quite worried about this fix they've made, as I'm starting to wonder if they're really going to create the individual railings feature, or are they just going to leave this fix in the game and hope we forget all about it.

As I said, this fix is not enough, and there are situations where it will not solve all problems. Currently, we cannot even create large areas of stairs because exactly what is shown in the image below happens. The railings and random fences keep popping up and destroying everything.

Anyway, all this is frustrating. They've delivered so many extremely complex build assets in recent times, such as terrain tools, lake tools, and more, but the ability to add individual railings continues to be delayed.

  • I've seen that tweet and personally I would be happy for the fix, that would be one small step in the right direction. Stairs also don't work seamlessly with the platforms either because we can't apply wallpaper to them like we can on the underside of stairs. So I just use them as they are, no fancy staircases combinations.
  • SimsTime's avatar
    New Spectator
    "crocobaura;c-18238366" wrote:
    I've seen that tweet and personally I would be happy for the fix, that would be one small step in the right direction. Stairs also don't work seamlessly with the platforms either because we can't apply wallpaper to them like we can on the underside of stairs. So I just use them as they are, no fancy staircases combinations.

    Happy for the fix I am. My fear is that it will just stay that way, and individual railings won't arrive.

  • the issue I have is that railings at the moment are worst they have been in a while
    they clip like fully through walls now when it used to just be little bit at the top
    oh well heres hoping it is fixed with this

    but I would like individual placement too I don't get what is so hard about making it so you always place them separately