For me.. I don't like to use cheats, I don't use moo, I don't use the buybug cheat, and I won't cheat skills. I just really don't like to open that console and mostly the only reason I will is to change a sim in CAS and now and then I'll use the free real estate cheat. Sometimes I use the money cheat but it's pretty rare. I just want this stuff built into the game somehow to access more freely as a part of gameplay.
This isn't perfectly built for me. I would have done it differently but it's a start, and something different. I can see manipulating the questions to come out with more funds and the character I can see playing. Or I can see looking at the screen and saying surprise me and just going with some sim completely different than I'm use to making, but one I'll be open to finding enjoyable. It might be rewarding, time will tell.
I can see challenge makers using this also, I'm really interested in seeing what happens there.
Anything that adds to some simmers gameplay that is optional is a win to me.