Forum Discussion

Bluebell23456's avatar
5 years ago

Do you enjoy clutter?

I go back and forth on this one. On one hand, it does not really add anything and for a long time I did not really use it. There isn't much point without an appearance system (or a more crucial one). On the other, it can be satisfying to see a well decorated room and clutter allows you to do that. Once I started experimenting with it, my favorite builds began to have an excess of it and they do feel lived in with personality.

However, at the end of the day, I think it is fair to say there is way too much of a focus on useless decorative items in 4. I would be more forgiving if well decorated rooms had better positives and bare rooms had more negatives, but as of right now the clutter section of BB feels unnecessarily copious. While clutter can be expressive, it feels tipped too far toward the dollhouse for me.

How about you?

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