Wish there was an option for liking both.
While the idea of the repoman was rather weird since he was the "Pay your bills or the boogeyman will come and take your toilet" guy I still liked having a consequence for not paying them.
Like recently I spent who knows how long fishing violins and other aquatic life from the desert world while completely neglecting my bills, because who cares if my power goes off? There's off the grid items I tend to buy in case I don't have enough money or forget to pay the bills, but funnily enough they just serve to make me forget to pay the bills even more. Not really any consequences for avoiding them.
Of course I'm just one person and my play style doesn't represent the majority who might actually be affected by the power outage.
"SummerStreak;c-17203976" wrote:
I like... both I think? Haha.
As it stands right now, after the utilities are off, nothing happens. Would be cool if the first things to go were the utilities, and if you don't pay after that, the repo man shows up.
Pretty much this, if he was put into the game they should implement him this way. Like give a warning a week in advance after the power is cut before he comes and takes something.