Forum Discussion

Bmm209's avatar
5 years ago

Do you think 2020 could be TS4's last year?

or do you think it will continue another couple years?
Do you want TS4 to continue onwards?

I am personally waiting for TS5, even with the speculation of it being online, I am still interested in seeing what the game has to offer. But if I feel like it's not worth it, I won't be paying out for multiple expansions, packs etc. It'd be a waste of money. But I still have hope it can be great, especially when the past 3 games were pretty good imo.

51 Replies

  • I hope it is and that Sims 5 is much better than Sims 4.
    Sims 3 was brilliant but Sims 4 is too much for younger teens and I think maybe I am too old for it.
    To be honest, I've not had any urge or will to play the game for about a month now and I don't miss it.
    I started getting really bored with the new packs being a disappointment and not bringing much to the game.
    I hope they make Sims 5 more for older players as Sims 4 is far to nicey nicey for me.
    Sims 4 has none of the fun that Sims 3 had at all.