I think we take the term "dog house" too literal. A dog house should be available, so your dogs can be out in a (fenced in) back yard, while the family is at school and work. He's not cooped up inside the house, waiting for the family to come back and walk him. If it starts to rain, he can get into the dog house - doggy door means a trail of muddy paw prints everywhere, before your Sims can bathe the dog.
The part that we (as humans) misinterpret the whole "dog house" term is that - we latch on the term "house" as a place to live. It is NOT. It's a place to be "housed" - as in protect from the outdoor elements or harm.
Strangely enough, as I am currently writing this, I'm also seeing the lady (about 2campers away) putting her Jack Russell Terrier on a chain, before going off. If it gets hot or starts raining, that dog can only go under the camper for shelter - unless his leash is tangled up.
So there ARE far worse than dog houses, EA! Far worse!