Forum Discussion

nh6650's avatar
Rising Rookie
2 months ago

Dragging an urn.........

When i drag an  urn on to the grave, it doesn't change into a headstone. I thought that was supposed to happen.

How can I fix this?.

  • Ok. In that case, the steps are these:

    1. Drag the urn off the stone slab.
    2. It should turn into a gravestone. If not, autoswitch is off.
    3. Now you can change it into a headstone. Choose whatever you want.
    4. Make sure that the autoswitch is off for that grave.
    5. Move it back on the stone slab.

    Then it should not become an urn and stay as a gravestone.

  • Anmirla's avatar
    Seasoned Vanguard

    Doesn't the game now have an option without having L&D to click on the urn and change it to a headstone of your choice (and vice versa)?

    • nh6650's avatar
      Rising Rookie

      I don't think so. I have L&D and I've tried everything and and I still can't change it.

  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace

    Hmm... Let me ask you first.

    By the grave, you mean one of these gravesite objects?


    • Simmerville's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      Keeping an eye on this thread as the grave objects are a little confusing at first. I'm not quite sure how to use them all. The two large graves pictured, both cost the same (§250), I first thought they were a simple version and a more exclusive version, but now I think I'll use he left one for the funeral and adding the stone thing later. Clicking on the wooden  frame actually allows us to replace it with the stone thing. I guess I can still use the simple version without the upgrade fore my poor families, but the again I think they will just have a simple headstone.

      Back on topic, clicking on the urn object should gave the option to change how it appears... I only did that from gravestone turn, but would be surprised if it will not work the other way too. So the question is whether headstones are meant to be placed on the large grave object at all. I think there are several slots for décor on the left one, but that I actually succeeded in placing a headstone on the massive stone grave, it looked a bit silly though because the name plaquet is there already, no need for two...

      • EgonVM's avatar
        Seasoned Ace

        The thing about these objects is that when you put an auto-switch grave on it, it'll turn into an urn. And while on it, you can only switch it into another urn. To get a gravestone on it, drag the urn off from it, switch it to a gravestone, and then drag it back on there.

        Yeah, it can be also switched around if it doesn't have anything on it. So yeah, wooden frame can be switched to stone thing and vice versa.

        For now, I don't know if gravestones are meant to be on there. I'd say they might be, because Old Ravenwood Estate has such things. But at the same time, the game sees it as a surface and thus doesn't allow switching it to the gravestone. So, probably.

        Plus you know those coffin objects into which you can place graves? It can also be placed on these grave plots.

    • nh6650's avatar
      Rising Rookie

      Yes. The stone one is in the cemetery and Thats the one I was using.

      • EgonVM's avatar
        Seasoned Ace

        Ok. In that case, the steps are these:

        1. Drag the urn off the stone slab.
        2. It should turn into a gravestone. If not, autoswitch is off.
        3. Now you can change it into a headstone. Choose whatever you want.
        4. Make sure that the autoswitch is off for that grave.
        5. Move it back on the stone slab.

        Then it should not become an urn and stay as a gravestone.

  • nh6650's avatar
    Rising Rookie

     Thanks.When I dragged the urn off the grave , it didn't switch to a headstone. It only switched to a headstone when I added it to the sims inventory. Then as soon as i took it out, it switched back to the urn.

    I'll try it on the simple grave and see if it works.