As a family player, I am disappointed about the handling of children in the game lately and (possibly) in this pack. I am not convinced that they will be able to use the soccer ball, because wouldn't that require unique animations? They can't use the exercise equipment (although I think they can use the basketball hoop). They definitely won't be able to ride bikes as confirmed on twitter and in the stream (although the gurus hinted that this might be added later, probably in a separate game or stuff pack).
A new robot toy will be nice, but it will probably reuse the animations from the talking llama or bleep the robot or the toy cars and animals from the toybox. I loved the school projects, building table, doctor's kit etc that came with the Parenthood pack, but they weren't enough! I just wish that kids had more unique objects (with new animations) and special socials coming with every pack that tie into their skills and traits.
Leading up to a University Pack, there should have been more after-school activities and extra-curriculars in place, which could have an impact on scholarships for universities and the various majors etc. They definitely should be able to play soccer (not just as a solitary activity, but with other kids and nets), and ride bikes (and tricycles for toddlers). Activity camps for kids at universities should also have been included (in real life they happen all the time -- language camps, band camps, computer and young engineer camps). Kids don't have enough fitness or outdoor activities as it is, and this pack could have added some. As well, since there is a culinary major, it would have been time to introduce the bake oven and bake table again, so kids can get a head start on cooking (once they have filled their creativity skill). They need to do much more with toddlers and children as life stages in this game.