Forum Discussion

InvisibleLyndz's avatar
5 years ago

Dumpster dive items

Hi all, sorry if this has been asked before...

I'm wondering how you all sell your (larger) dumpster dive items that won't fit on the table without just dragging it into the buy/build sell? I'm hoping that my sims can sell the larger items without 'cheating' but not sure how. Originally I thought maybe they could sell them at the flea market but I don't see an option to rent a tarp...
So now I'm thinking maybe they'll have to buy a retail store to sell them?

What has everyone else done/tried? Thanks

12 Replies

  • I only created a few community space lots yet, and I do combine the 3 features, but on the sub versions each feature gets a bit more attention, just in order to have some visual changes according to votes. I wish the market place sub could have been combined with retail though, but guess it's too complex as no sim actually owns the community space. Hm, I did not check if it can be owned... maybe it can.
  • @InvisibleLyndz Oh no, I never thought about the dangers of Sharing is Stealing....I might add a notice board to my market lot just so that I can check every time. I’ve started just insta-repealing it every time it shows up it upsets me that much! If you got the same weird drowned docks effect it must be a bug, but I kind of like it so I might not report it ?

    And I’d love to be able to make that idea work @Simmerville I’m going to give some thought on ways I could try and mix all of them!