Spider-Man, God of War, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Red Dead Redemption 2, Far Cry 5, Detroit: Become Human, the new Assassins Creed Game, Uncharted: The lost Legacy are all major AAA titles that have launched this year,or last either as a full stand alone, single player game that can be played offline or as a full single player with optional multiplayer. My Husband worked on one of the above titles as a developer and none of his future projects require online only gaming mode. Sorry but to say it’s the future of gaming is just false. Maybe for EA but not in the bigger picture. As a dev my Husband doesn’t believe in this strategy of EA, he thinks it’s nonsense, let’s just say that. The rest I couldn’t repeat here.
The sales speak for themselves:
God of war sold over five million copies in one month
Spider-Man sold 3.3 million copies in three days
Red Dead Redemption 2 sold over ten million in three days and broke the record for most sales on PlayStation and most pre ordered game to date.
Far Cry 5 doubled Far Cry 4 sales in one week and is the second biggest ever launch for a Bethesda title
Detroit: Become Human sold one million copies in two weeks.
All the above games we have,
I could go on but I don’t think I need to. The future of gaming is far from being an online experience which forces you to be so constantly whilst playing with friends. If it was none of the above games would be successful.