Forum Discussion

Simburian's avatar
New Traveler
7 years ago

EA's not doing itself any favours in the Gallery

When I access the Gallery I see the old, old, lots made with the Basic game which, by now have thousands and thousands of downloads and cannot possibly be overtaken. Can't they do a clearout of these (from the Showcase anyway) and instead, show the lots made with the latest expansions and packs. It might give Simmers an incentive to buy them. (hint, hint).

There are more than 5 million items in the Gallery and no wonder there are problems occasionally. It needs pruning.

EA should better support those who have supported them by buying most or all of the packs and don't give me any hassle about Simmers not having the money. They bought the computer, (these days you need a good one for Sims 4) (or their family did).

@EA_Mage now ban me. I'm just fed up.