Forum Discussion

keflynmahon's avatar
7 years ago

Elderly relatives always die fast?

I was wondering if anyone else has noticed, but whenever a Sim in my family tree becomes an elder, if I'm not playing as them they die straight away, whereas NPC elders will live for eternity. Even a Sim I had marked as played died within 2 days of becoming an elder. Is this a bug? Is there anyway to avoid this? It's super annoying.
  • Anecdotally, I think you might be right, but they live on forever as ghosts to robocall their family members. (I've got one who calls every two minutes. I raised her from babyhood, but at this point, I desperately want to wall her into a pool. And I can't, because she's already dead.)
  • My elders live a very long time (usually their end of life bar maxes out and stays that way for at least the length of a full life cycle for a young adult... I forget how many days that is on "long" play). It's awful, but sometimes when my households are really full I find myself wishing they'd "move along" to the afterlife a little faster. :winces: lol

    I do usually have all of the traits (never weary, hygiene bonuses, etc) selected for them by that time, though, so maybe that has something to do with their stellar life spans. I never use youth potions on them (just for clarification). They do work out every day, too.
  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    How did you set the lifespan settings? In short setting, elders live only 5 days. On normal setting, elder lives 10 days and on long setting, elder lives 40 days. You can also set so that only the active household ages from the gameplay options.
  • It doesn't happen in my game, it must be a bug... Do you use CC?
    However, you're right about NPC elders living for ever, it's mostly because they exercise a lot and gain more days that way.
    Hope you can fix it soon!
  • "Amandèle;c-16459304" wrote:
    It doesn't happen in my game, it must be a bug... Do you use CC?
    However, you're right about NPC elders living for ever, it's mostly because they exercise a lot and gain more days that way.
    Hope you can fix it soon!

    I use cc but i've had it since the game as started. And changing the settings makes no difference as they die after a couple days of old age.
  • "Amandèle;c-16459304" wrote:

    it's mostly because they exercise a lot and gain more days that way

    is that actually a thing? if they exercise more they live longer?
  • Stina1701A's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    I haven't noticed this with the very few elders I have atm, but my lifespan settings are set on the most longest awailable AND I have aging off except for the household I play. I'm going to have to do some elder culling among the NPCs soon. I either delete them or kill the old dears off. Woohoo does seem to work wonders. I have already accidentally killed one that way.