Forum Discussion

JaggidEdje's avatar
3 years ago

Excellent vs. Exceptional Candles

My Witch sim has been making mood candles to sell at her magic shop and I've noticed that for quality of the crafted candles there is both "Exceptional" and "Excellent"...kind of throwing me because other crafted types of things don't have both of those. Unfortunately, for candles, the sell price is identical regardless of quality so I also don't understand which is better.

Does anyone know the difference between Exceptional and Excellent for candles? And which is better?

5 Replies

  • This has me wanting to fabricate some candles. Do you use beeswax from the bees? Could that make a difference in quality?
  • Yah, I use the beeswax. I also have been collecting soy wax with her but haven't used that for any candles yet because I had over 100 beeswax stockpiled. I'm seeing qualities of "normal", "exceptional" and "Excellent".
  • So I had my sim make a few candles. She made a couple of normal candles and then the next two were exceptional. I did notice that when she crafted the two normal candles her mood was happy. With the second two her mood was focused.
  • Did you get any excellent ones? Those are the ones I'm not sure where they stand in relation to exceptional.

    My sim crafting the candles is always focused when crafting them and has gotten all 3 (normal, exceptional, and excellent) while focused. Excellent seems the most rare quality to get.

    I'm burning both of the "focused" mood candles in the room as the candle making station, have focusing decor on the walls and also have her do mind-boosting yoga before starting, which is why she's always focused when making them.
  • I haven't gotten any excellent quality yet. Maybe 'very focused' mood?

    I think the excellent candles are higher quality.

    As adjectives the difference between exceptional and excellent. is that exceptional is forming an exception; not ordinary; uncommon; rare while excellent is of the highest quality; splendid.