Here we go!
1. Seasons. Not difficult to be the best cause it's such a base game addition, essential for many of us. Holidays are nice too. Very inmersive and we got what we asked
2. Get to Work. This pack is one of my favourites cause it's really focused on GAMEPLAY, the careers are fun and the retail system is not the best but it's good, aliens are needed in this franchise so another point for this first and amazing pack. (I really like to get my sims out of their houses)
3. Cats & Dogs. Another not difficult to be high, pets are always welcome even if there's no birds or reptiles or rodents... They look cute enough and always bring life to the household, animations are well done and the vet career is a nice addition
4. High School Years. Wow, controversial right? Well, I gotta admit I use some mods for fix things on this but this really gives life to teens, besides... 21 days are too long without this pack... Prom, slow dance, photoboob, graduation, american football, acne, high school itself.. gives me a lot 2000s vibes. Plus, the music in this is amazing. Trendi and Social Bunny are a NO.
5. Get Together. This suffers the base game syndrome like Seasons.. it adds interesting things that are screaming base game, at first I though it was some kind of Late Night/Nightlife but it doesn't catch them, it's fine. Foosball, dards, dj, club, dacing. Good paired with some others packs.
6. Discover University. It's just fine, I mean... it adds some challenge cause University can be hard, organissations are fine.. Everything is fine, just that, nothing impressed me. It's in here cause it's necessary, well it adds roommates so thats again fine.
7. Get Famous. Celebrities are well done and the actor career it's fun too but I have a big gripe with this pack. Paparazzis... PAPARAZZIS. They ruin every lot. I like my game to be ''organic'' and celebitries are so forced. (And I really like surprises and events)
8. Growing Together. This packs seems more promising than it really is, many things are just UI additons, I thought it would be a must-have but it's really not, it looks like a base game update for 40 $. Changing tables behind a paywall? That's personal
9. Eco Lifestyle. This pack surprised me cause it's actually fun, it can be kind of niche but it can affects global gameplay so that's always welcome. N.A.P.S. are a mess
10. Cottage Living. Not sure about this, It was so requested but I'm not really into it, I think it's not bad just kind of niche
11. City Living. I really loved this pack until I noticed it's just atrezzo, the only thing I like about this is lot challenges. Apartaments are just dissapointing.
12. For Rent. I don't own this pack, Apartments 2.0 BUT with loading screens, so they are like 1.5. Nothing more to say, children activities seems nice, secrets are just bad, oh and the 3000 rabbits holes.
13. Island Living. The first should have been a gamepack. It would have been justified by having an underwater lot but nay. I don't get how is this different from Outdoor Retreat or Jungle Adventure, it's just a good looking world for living or for vacation. And mermaids? Let's not talk about mermaids.
14. Snowy Escape. The second should have been a gamepack, now it's not hot, it's cold. Wow, seems like reversed Island Living. We got three destinations in Bon Voyage and the 3 of them has a EP/GP in TS4 (IL, SE and OR) and still no hotels, funny.
15. Horse Ranch. The most impertinent game pack sold for 40 $, how you dared? I really like Western style and Horse are well done but this is just so obvious.
13 and 14 can be switched.