Forum Discussion

Munching_Croc's avatar
6 years ago

Farming or Uni pack?

what EP do you want/think will be next? in my opinion, theres been so many hints to farming and not so many to university (has there even been one??) so I think farming will be next. I don't really care for University in any way shape or form (though I'll still buy it bc I'm a dlc hoarder lmao) and same goes for a countryside/farming pack. but I think farming would be more interesting. if I recall we've never really had any kind of pack like that and the more I think of it the more fun it'd be. I think it'd be a nice change from all the content we're getting that's just remakes of TS3 and TS2. Get together has been our only new addition to the franchise when it comes to EPs if you think about it.
  • Whatever comes next, we have to get something for our young Sims to do. If it is university then I am not holding out much hope for them to have much, but at least let them get some new clothes and perhaps a hobby or two. However, following that, the team really need to step up their game for other Sims beside YA and A, it's beyond a joke now.
  • I don't care which one comes first, cause I want both so much.

    As long as it comes thia year, I'm happy.
  • Farming could focus on all age groups and even family gameplay by having family-run farms where everyone helps caring for animals, crafting or tending crops. Kids could feed the animals, learn to ride, cuddle with baby chicks, parents could shop at the farmer‘s market, elders could get new hobbies like canning/ making preserves.

    University only focuses on the Young Adult stage...