Forum Discussion

erimurphey's avatar
6 years ago

Favorite Personality Flaw?

Perfection is boring. What flawed trait do you assign to your sims most often?

Personally I like snob. It's interesting, but it doesn't make my sims seem super mean. Hot-headed is a close second because some people in my family have tempers.
  • I like erratic and squeamish a lot as they actually do something (and yes, I like to pair squeamish with neat or someone who fishes a lot or put them in the same house with a slob because it is challenging and funny!). I also use mean and hot headed - evil does not really do anything other than that evil laugh thing that I have ever seen. Snob does not seem to do much either. I use jealousy if I want a really insecure sim because that is really what that trait amounts to - they are even jealous of their own children!
  • Meka3211's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    I roll my Sims traits....just to make it more interesting as I'd probably pick the same traits. But the new one that I've been playing with is Lazy....and I love it. I had no idea that lazy Sims left their laundry on the ground....and could fall asleep at the table. My Lazy Sim was out to dinner with the family....wife, kids...everyone is dressed to impress in their formal attire....and my Sim is asleep at the table, in his tuxedo while his daughter is talking to him. I thought this was so hilarious.

    I also like the jealous trait. Gloomy is cool too, as I don't like my Sims to always be happy.
  • I like clumsy, gloomy, slob, lazy, glutton, and squeamish a lot. I find all those traits kinda cute and endearing
  • I really like the Hot-headed and Gloomy traits, and noticing that one of the Sims in my household will just get up angry rings as relatable, even though it is exaggerated.