@Netzspannung Ooh so many lovely paintings. I really like the lady in black and white too, I'll have to obsessively paint Pop Art until I get it (it would be perfect for my Stylist sim). I really like the small painting of the flowers with the blue sky background, do you remember what type it is please?
@mightysprite Not cliché at all, those are some of the best in my opinion! :smile:
@iamoz96 I know the ones you mean, and they are beautiful.
@Karababy52 That first painting is stunning! No, not such a fan of poor old freezer bunny I'm afraid, but if I do get that painting again I'll save it for a nursery. Thank you, I'm glad you are enjoying it, so am I. :smile:
Oops, nearly forgot to add my own...
Here is one of my favourite (classic paintings) that usually finds it's way onto the kitchen wall.