Hmmm, I have a few different engaged couples that I have left out of my rotation for the last couple of years (maybe even three!) because I was waiting to see whether there would eventually be any changes to weddings, or if we would get new honeymoon destinations. Then after MWS came out, I was waiting for the longest time for bug fixes, and... then I guess I just forgot about them. Might be a good time to finally get them married off and enjoy a little pre-kid time together before the expansion comes out.
The thing is, at least two of the couples are old favorites... like, from the first handful of households I made. So I have really wanted to play them, but they are fairly special to me, so I haven't wanted to advance their stories until things were just-so. (I don't really do rollbacks or replays.) So maybe I will take a random couple I don't care about as much, and see how the MWS gameplay works for them, and if it goes relatively smoothly, start moving forward with the more important couples to get them ready for the new EP and infant update.