8 months agoLegend
Funny pics
Do you ever capture pictures from fun or awkward situations in your game? Often my sims will make me smile just because they did position weirdly, making a totally normal situation look funny. -...
It's always the same, isn't it? You get ready to have a relaxing night in and then the dead invade your privacy.
Though bizarrely, Temperance seemed more disturbed by Ikkanu (She actually had a thought bubble of his face which doesn't show here). Ikkanu doesn't know whether to be embarrassed, insulted or both.
If that wasn't bad enough, the local volcano decided to erupt as well.
"What's that?! What's happening?! Everything's toppling over! There's a skeleton walking in my room! Why is my hand stuck in the chair?! Arrrrrrrrgh!"
Bonehilda was rather keen to get Ikkanu's attention.
When the flirty dancing had no effect, she wandered off to visit Ikkanu's neighbours instead.
Ikanu had a very strange night, with the ghost appearing, bonehilda walking through his room and the volano erupting!WhatCobblers 🙂 Then also his hand going through the chair!