Forum Discussion

NectereSim's avatar
7 years ago

Gallery pictures for builds - Complaint

Those aren't my trees. Can y'all please please let us change the pictures or make sure when you (the great folks that create the lot arrangement/placement) do a test save on each lot before calling it good so that we don't get pictures of trees or other buildings (not our own) blocking our first picture?

Also, on those 64 lots, its zoomed out a little too far don't you think? Maybe?

What is holding the creators back from allowing us to change the pictures on our builds? Maybe give us some predefined angles in cameraman mode (copied to build mode) to choose from? Can you honestly tell us that anyone could get a sense of what the build is when the save pictures it chooses are either blocked or zoomed out so far you have no idea what is on the lot?

I don't think I complain often, but this from day one, has and is really, really irritating - especially when CAS can use custom pictures without the emblem of custom content. I get that I can upload two versions, one using custom pics (and designated as CC when its not) and one without but that would be silly to clog up the database/gallery with two versions of every build. Wouldnt it?

I beg, I plead, please with sugar on top - give us some options on the build photo gallery.
  • Right ? It's frustrating!! You spend time building something and you end up with a crappy picture that doesn't do it justice.
    We should be able to change the pictures (chose which goes first) or use the screencaps we take. I'm already not a great builder, so with pictures like that.....

    What I built today :

    Gallery pics :

  • The gallery pictures for the houses and the sims are really bad. I've had some where you see the back of the house instead of the front even though the lot is facing the way it's supposed to. The sims have unflattering expressions that don't show how they truly look.
  • I have a couple of builds where the first picture is facing front, then the next is the back and the next is the side - sounds good on paper except it makes it really hard to see what is on the lot the way the creator intended.
  • I'm hoping that that the Fashion photographer career, coming in the Moschino pack might allow you the choice of one of their photos of Sims to be uploaded as their Gallery picture. That might make the pack worth buying.

    Same idea for houses could be considered as part of the game somehow.