So, the Landgraabs have been cutting off my power. My bills are paid, so that's not the reason. They say something along the lines of, "We're getting ready to cut off your power, are you ready?" Something like that, maybe something about squirrels...I said no I wasn't ready, and they cut it off immediately after that. Since then, the lights did cut back on but only after I left the game and went back on. The lights were on with no reason from the game as to why. Then, everytime my sim left her house and came back, the lights would just be off for no reason. Once again, bills were paid. I do have mods, but I turned them off and it still happened. The lights were off when I came back from working as a police officer. I tried repairing the game with and without mods in origin, doesn't work. I've stopped playing, because it's so inconvenient not being able to use my sim's stove or the tv or my computer. Is anyone else having this issue? I made an account just so I could get some feedback on this one issue that prevents me from playing.