"kaylin205;c-17064977" wrote:
While I agree with both of you, it's not fair to the people who haven't gotten a new computer since 2013 or the people who do not know anything about computer stats. That's the point right there as I have stated three times now. Some sim players are not computer gamers and shouldn't be lumped in with them. A few people I know play on laptops and they suck all the fun out of playing the game because of the lower processing system. Just seems odd that they would start on a 32 bit and go to the 64 bit when the operating systems where out way before the game released.
It's really not about being "fair" at all, it's more about the natural progress of technology. 32 bit is going the way of the cassette tape and CD. It's just not used enough for companies to support it anymore, especially when most people have already jumped on the 64 bit bandwagon long ago. In the near future, it's going to be very hard to find
any game that supports 32 bit. Modern PC and laptop components are ceasing to support it as well, so it just doesn't make sense anymore for companies to focus resources on catering to 32 bit systems. It's kind of like if you had a cassette walkman (remember those?) and got angry that local stores no longer carry music on tapes because you can't use CDs or digital music in your player. It's unfortunate, but it's how technology progresses. Things are always changing.
It's not just The Sims 4 doing this. I play a very old MMO (just turned 12) and they are about to update to 64 bit as well. They are currently in beta testing for it. It's a huge undertaking, but they have to do it or people won't be able to play the game anymore on newer systems.