The EP is listed at the end of the roadmap, so I'm thinking we won't get that until March (likely mid-March). I'm guessing the second EP will be back to a more traditional November release date, because I suspect they will need at least six months from the first EP. So, we could get a GP really anywhere from June-October.
I would also love a fairies GP, but given the way they space out the occults, I agree it's not likely this year. Thinking about the other most requested things that are left (bands, hotels, cars, horses), they all seem more likely to be EPs if we get them at all. So a GP this year could be something completely new/unexpected.
I do still really, really, really want nectar-making to come back, and they could handle that in a way that it would fit in a GP, but I think it's more likely that they would include it as a secondary feature in an EP, if they do it at all.