Thanks in advance to everyone who helps source info! Your links and quotes are enormously appreciated, and I’ll try to get them into the p. 1 posts as soon as possible. If any of you see stray SimGurus on Reddit, I’d particularly appreciate links to there.
Thanks as well for keeping the thread to links and quotes only, and only to official sources — these threads can sometimes move fast even on topic, depending on the marketing plan for a pack. This is NOT a discussion or questions thread. I’ll link out to other particularly active threads for that.
For those of you new to these threads, what I do is gather in one place things that Maxis or SimGurus (Maxis staff) say about a pack. When I first started doing these -- so that I had links to these things myself, because I was involved in a lot of Forum discussions at the time -- that often meant quotes and links from elsewhere on the Forums. These days, it’s mostly Twitter, plus recaps of livestreams and quotes from blog posts.
For those of you who’ve been here a long time, what’s new is that I’m no longer active on Twitter except for posting links to my new threads. (I used to also retweet new info there.) If you’ve also dropped Twitter and want links to new threads, you can follow me on Patreon for email alerts.
Other Threads
For general excited anticipating together, head to @catloverplayer's countdown thread
Discuss the world at @catloverplayer ’s San Sequoia thread
Share your positive thoughts on the pack at @simgirl1010 ’s EP13 Positive Thoughts thread
Family matters. Interacting with family feels different than with other Sims, including extended family across households.
Deepening relationships across the game and making them more meaningful.
The drama of life. Features where players can start off or trigger Sims dramatically, with interesting ways of relating. And something more like story prompts that could take you in a different direction if you say yes.
From the Livestream:
Have outfit choices.
Will be more differentiated from each other.
more under Patch info!
for fun:
It has come to my attention that I can now post this forbidden gif from early Infant development. Enjoy.
Lots actually plays into how infants feel about exploring food (Basegame) & finger foods (Growing Together). For example: Infants with the Picky Eater Quirk are less likely to like foods, in general. Same with Sensitive Infants. However, Sunny infants will normally Like or Love.
You can feed these foods to infants m because they are meant for infants, but I have had my toddler walk up and swipe the finger foods from my infant and eat it. ? Some toddlers are wild.
They do crawl in Basegame. Growing Together has them sort of ramp up to all that they can do in Basegame as they unlock Milestones. We wanted there to be -plenty- to do with Infants if you just have Basegame.
We are also adding 18 discoverable Infant Quirks that change an infant’s behavior. With three Quirks per infant, each infant is bound to be unique! Some quirks include: Self-soother, Early Rise, Messy Eater, Frequently Hiccups, Gassy, Good Appetite, Snuggly Sleeper, Happy Spitter, Free-Air Tinkler and more. - blog
Toddlers are getting quite the update in this pack. As with Infants, we are adding 18 discoverable Toddler Quirks that change a Toddler’s behavior. These are discovered over time and make each Toddler unique, beyond their traits! Some examples include: Aggressive, Picky Eater, Early Riser, Little Singer, Good Appetite, Loves Water, Hates Bedtime, Loves being Carried and more. - blog
From the Livestream:
Infants and Toddlers will all have three discoverable Quirks from set of 18 each for Infants and Toddlers.
Range from cute little thinks like sneezing a lot to being Aggressive.
Things like wanting to sleep in someone's arms can affect how your other Sims interact.
There is a new Pack Cheat to add and remove discoverable Quirks.
Discovery happens when they do something related to that Quirk.
There's more detail on @EgonVM's post here:
The designer for Toddler Quirks did some extra work around Occults and Toddler Quirks. You’re more like to get these quirks if you’re the corresponding occult:
Merfolk - Obsessed with Water Werewolf - Destructive Vampire - Aggressive Spellcaster - Loves Books
All Infants/Toddlers have them when they grow into that age. It’s more-so a matter of discovering the quirks they already have. It’ll sometimes happen naturally OR through specific interactions with them, and sometimes might require them to have reached certain milestones.
As an example: You might not discover your infant Likes Sounds unless you give them the tools to play with sounds - the new BG sensory toys, radio, etc. Or that your toddler Hates being Held until you pick them up to take them somewhere.
But an infant who is a Free Air Tinkler is probably going to use the bathroom while you’re changing them, and a Toddler who is Aggressive will probably act out on their own. It’s fun discovering them. The cheat is also available if you want to set your own for story.
Children have received four new Aspirations: Slumber Party Animal, Mind and Body, Playtime Captain and Creative Genius. With all the new content for kids in this pack (the Treehouse, Splash Pad, Bike, Sleeping Bag, Slumber Parties, Friendship Bracelets, and more) there's plenty to aspire towards. - blog
From the Livestream:
4 new options found under "Multi-Skill"
There's more detail on @EgonVM's post here:
Slumber Party Animal gives you a different set of goals that support Children who are focusing on both Social and Creativity.
Just make sure to keep their confidence high! Or don't, but we know you'd never hurt a child's confidence. Right. Riiight? Because just like lost teeth, Childhood Confidence is also an aspect of growing up that every Child Sim faces in this pack! - blog
From the Livestream:
Children start with neutral, can become low or high
affected by her own gameplay and how caregivers interact
low confidence might result in new fears
Can lead to a Low Self-Esteem or High Self-Esteem locked-in Trait
The way Child skills work hasn’t always been my preference, so I have a mod for that. We did rework that in BG for Growing Together though. It’s different from the mod I use, but cooler imo. I can’t wait to remove the mod and play the updated way when it goes live.
Unlock and change personality traits throughout your Sims’ lives as they cope with midlife crises, respond to family requests to move in, and more. - pack description
Midlife Crisis from the Livestream:
for Adult Sims
4 types of Midlife Crisis, eg Desire for Adventure
Appears in Aspiration panel with specific things to do, which are optional
Fulfilling goals shrinks length of Midlife Crisis
Note from @EgonVM:
In addition, midlife crisis may make your sim's likes and dislikes change on their own without your input. You'll get a notification when that happens.
Work-related features
Workplace Rivals, from the Livestream:
Can happen to a Sim in a career and can block promotions
New options on at-work pie menu
Can interact outside work to resolve the problem too
"You could take care of Bella... any way you want to" - GrimSuruDoi
Fun note about workplace rivals: If you try to sabotage them, you'll get unique messages themed after every possible career. I wrote a decent chunk of them :D
You might get a warning of upcoming layoffs and might be able to avoid it
Marriage Certificates
Married Sims now get a marriage certificate in Growing Together, which you can then customize from these three designs in a variety of frames! Sims can request additional copies via the phone or computer!
Most Sim Elders enjoy a good power walk around the park, a puzzle at the Recreation Center, or their role as caretaker of the family Keepsake Box. They're the best at Giving Life Lessons, Reminiscing on Good Times, and sneaking treats. Sometimes they even have a favorite grandchild! Speaking of grandchildren... - blog
Your in-laws can visit for a temporary stay - The Sims tweet:
The Sims 4 Growing Together Expansion Pack will add more choice and opportunity for your growing Sims by bringing up a Sim through new infant milestones. These milestones both highlight the way your Sims are growing up, as well as gain new abilities that open up the world around them for social interaction and exploration. - blog
Through Sims’ experiences and relationships, players will begin to encounter Milestones, which will provide a way of showing players their Sims’ current growth, as well as their lifelong touchstones that continue to impact them as they age. These include overcoming a career obstacle, getting let go from a job, having a midlife crisis, having the family move in and so much more.
Bringing up new Sims will be filled with new Infant Milestones that highlight the ways in which your Sims grow up and provide a guide for players through the new infancy gameplay - making each Milestone feel like a brand new and exciting experience every time. - blog
From the Livestream:
Visible in Simology panel
Dotted outline, grey milestone shows what might be next
Infants have fine motor and gross motor milestones as well. "More specific... than a skill bar" for tracking Infant development - GrimSuruDoi
Infant milestones can open up other interactions. Eg, Infant can't explore food in high chair until they can sit up; need to be able to grab things to eat finger foods.
Firsts, Life, Social milestones at other ages and are more focused on tracking important events.
Can go into Milestones panel and look back at earlier ages.
Decorative items you acquire for some Milestones, eg., marriage certificate, baby handprints.
Milestones can include where something happened (eg, first fire, first bladder failure), which can affect how the Sim feels on that lot at times.
Can make a Self-Discovery and gain an extra Trait - offered the Trait and can accept or reject. Might also be given opportunity to replace a trait with its opposite. Cap of 6.
When you become an occult you get one, but there are also ones for memorable moments like fighting Greg.
We considered them but didn’t feel like any of the quirks felt so specifically alien-aligned that we wanted to support them in the same way we did other occults.
I don’t know if there are Milestones specifically from Parenthood or not, but there are a lot from other expansions. I do know we did a lot of cross-pack compatibility work with various features in connection with Parenthood.
DamionFandom asked if Milestones are like Memories:
Personally, I think they are but amped up. Not only do they track special moments, but for infants they unlock interactions, they sometimes give physical rewards like a marriage certificate, and (for some) your sims remember where things happened and it’ll affect their mood.
Our Growing Together Expansion Pack also includes a new social compatibility feature, which introduces new ways of socializing that will feel different with each Sim, leading to deeper, more meaningful relationships with family and friends. Maybe specific family members are jokesters together or maybe they are competitive. - blog
Your Sim will now have preferences that determine who they are socially compatible with and who are their sworn enemies! As your Sim experiences life, there will be opportunities for both drama and unity that will ultimately affect family dynamics and your Sims’ relationships. - blog
Sometimes Sims just click. Your Sim might have natural social chemistry with a Sim they meet at a party – or they might naturally clash. Your Sim will now have preferences that determine which Sims they are socially compatible with, and which Sims are more likely to become their enemies. - pack description
New relationships are getting more dynamic too. If your Sim goes out to meet new people, they might find someone they instantly like who they could be friends with for life. Or they could meet a lifelong enemy. Social chemistry will make some Sims click and some Sims clash, and how they navigate these feelings is up to you. - trailer description (link is to Youtube)
From the Livestream:
Sims Characteristics, new like/dislike - based on traits (including from packs), likes/dislikes, lifestyles
Conversation Topics, new like/dislike - tied to remapped pie menu - options are about what a Sim wants other Sims to do
These new factors are the pillars of Sim compatibility, which is calculated based on both Sims
Social Compatibility is platonic (not only romantic) and Child up
50 Likes/Dislikes (base game update)
Puzzle piece icon in relationship panel in LIve mode show compatibility has been calculated and if it's good or bad.
There's more detail on @EgonVM's post here:
The new likes/dislikes are exclusive to Growing Together, but the max to 50 is part of update.
With the Growing Together Expansion Pack, family is at the center of a lot of the choices and milestones your Sim will be faced with. For example – will your Sim let their parents move in with them? Saying ‘no’ will impact that relationship and saying ‘yes’ could make life at home a lot more complicated. What if your Sim’s parents don’t get along with your Sim’s partner? Choose whether you want to keep the peace or stir up some drama. —blog 2
Your Sims’ family tree will now reflect more complex family relationships. - blog
(A note for clarity from The Sims team as of 2/6/2023) The Sims family tree is a functionality that already exists in game. In an earlier version of this article, this sentence stated that the family tree will reflect more complex family relationships.
From the Livestream:
Set between any two household members in CAS (in Household Relationships), or gained in gameplay "adventure moments" or in a new option discussed later (I missed the name of it)
e.g. Difficult, Jokesters, Supportive, Distant, Strict
Gives unique interactions, affects autonomy (e.g., Distant will avoid each other, be awkward together, call less often after one moves out), affects pie menu suggestions
Purchasable reward potion to remove the dynamic
New features impact autonomous behaviour - SimGuruNova tweet:
Sims visiting bring a suitcase. Suitcase is also in the catalog. Has dresser functions.
Can present itself as an opportunity with a call, eg. extended family, family friends, long-lost family member trying to reconnect
Calendar shows how long the Sim(s) visiting will be there.
You can ask visitors to help out.
Can use Calendar to initiate a temporary stay by inviting someone over, select length of stay
I'm rewatching the stream, and I see a lot of questions about if someone who is coming over for a Temporary Stay needs a bed. You can certainly assign one to them, but they'll actually whip out a sleeping bag if you don't have one.
You can schedule any other event while a Stay Over (planned by you or NPC-initiated!) is running! The temp stay will continue running in the background.
You can assign them beds, you can form a group with them, you can take them to other lots! You can ask them to relax or help out! You just can't control them since they're in a different household.
Reward picture frame set you can add different photos to
For Family Reunions, the invite list isn't restricted to strictly members of the family tree. Found family, in-laws, and family friends can be invited too
There's more detail on @EgonVM's post here:
This is a Slumber Party Reward object, "an animal-themed sleeping bag for toddlers!" - SimGuruMorgan tweet:
Don't worry! There is also a basic toddler sleeping bag that isn't a reward you can get directly from Build/Buy anytime.
Hello neighbors. Welcome to the picturesque world of San Sequoia! This coastal region is located along a beautiful ocean bay, perfect for families and packed with a ton of outdoor open space for family gatherings and for children to play. Sims can explore three neighborhoods in San Sequoia: Anchorpoint Wharf, Gilbert Gardens and a relaxed residential locale, Hopewell Hills, which has a slower pace that seamlessly mixes elements of modern and traditional craftsman-style homes. We certainly love the beautiful and elegant design of a craftsman-style home!
With so much to do, your Sims’ family will have the perfect outing at the Urban Park where they can walk in a group, learn to ride a bicycle, jog or even hike on a nature path along the Gilbert Garden's lake. Your Sim can enjoy the views, play on a playground, take it slow and go fishing with the grandparents, watch a movie at the wharf's refurbished theater, grab a bite to eat along the pier, visit the library filled with children’s books, or even splish and splash at Whalebert's public splash pad play area. - blog
Located along an ocean bay, San Sequoia was once a small fishing village and has grown into a bustling town. It features quiet suburbs, a lively rec center, a tight-knit community, and even an influential local family – the Robleses. - pack description
I want to thank @dzidziak86, @Deligracy, and @lilsimsie who participated in creating lots for this pack. - SimGuruFrost
Gilbert Gardens is a large park and more open. However, Anchorpoint warf is on the edge of downtown and has more of the “Del Sol Valley” feel but less “LA” and more “SF.” +
Hopewell Hills neighborhood: "sleepy suburbs", nicely spaced out houses. "Old Stumpy" is a remnant of the world's one-time sequoia trees. Sims can walk out onto the marina. The trailer Michaelson family lives here. One empty lot. Start home by Lilsimsie, with 4 bedrooms.
Anchor Point Wharf neighborhood: more of a city vibe. Robles family lives here. Library, movie theater, public piano.
third neighborhood: large park with an old house, can swim in that pond but there's a crocodile, area for group walks, splash pad (bring your dog! hold your infant! most pieces also in Build/Buy to create your own). Rec center.
Splash Pads Can splash pads be used in other worlds? Yes! - SimGuruNinja tweet:
The Splash Pads are really fun to design on your own home lots too. You have the three emitters, plus a variety of different pads in various colors. You even have your own at-home Whalebert—who can also be placed in fountains!
Many different activities - creative, athletic, etc
Book events there
Game tables with new games: puzzles (many different ones, including custom puzzles by Reference from photo right then and there - others can steal a puzzle piece - framable), Simbles (like Scrabble), and more
EgonVM has info on puzzles:
SimguruMorgan thread with all the Rec Center objects:
Visitors will target different rooms on different days, so one day might be gym/music room day and another art/puzzle day. Also, there's a wide variety of age groups there, so it's great for making friends.
We try to portray different densities with our worlds based on how populated they are in our minds. At times we’ve conceptualized less dense too because we want it to be clear where playable lots are when you’re hovering around to travel. We want to be new player friendly too. +
In earlier packs we were still learning. A lot of consideration and planning goes into not only how we can make each pack performant but also how we can keep the game performant for years to come. We know players love new worlds, so we’re going to be making them for a long time!
When we add a new world that is inspired by another cultural location we want to be respectful and do that culture justice with supporting content in our features. We are always looking for opportunities to branch out and explore more diversity.
We want players to get the content they’d expect from a pack’s theme. We have SO much content for family/different age groups in this pack. I think a melting pot location that can represent family across various cultures is a lovely fit that supports player content expectation.
From the Livestream: Lumberjackson family will be on the Gallery, updated with new features, e.g. body freckles, a newborn, his mom (Note: I might have misunderstood a bit here)
Toddlers can definitely use the changing table, but they have to have a stinky diaper. Because they normally use the potty or are potty trained that's less likely to happen, but when it does change them on a table!
Most of these (splash pads, emitters, Whalebert) are found under outdoor activities. Whalebert is also a Fountain Decoration. The leaves and flowers are found in Sculptures in the Outdoors category. No cheats needed to access them at all!
If you purchase the Growing Together Expansion Pack anytime from February 2 - April 27, you’ll have access to our Outdoor Playtime Digital Content, where you can help your parent or child Sims have fun and active lives with a swing set, toddler slide and infant carrier. - blog
Are infant carriers only for prepurchase? No! - SimGuruNinja tweet:
upright piano, including one swatch with stickers on it; takes up 4 not 6 squares
Treehouse is built by Sims (Teen or older to start the process), can do that as a group (Children can help). Not only accessible by Children. Decoration states applied after built, affect pretending options. New Woohoo spot. Upgradable with bell, slide, lights (adjustable forcolour, brightness) , pole. Can place many objects on balcony - "placeable in treehouse" in B/B mode.
Children's bicycles with different accessories, and new adult bicycles
Keepsake boxes - can be designated once by an Elder, be renamed, and be entrusted to another Sim you're close enough to. Can add various items into it. "Ponder the meaning of family" can affect dynamics.
Friendship Bracelets made from a kit or activity table or knitting/cross-stitch kit. Can exchange them with a friend. (If in the same household, need to each make them.) Cannot sell or delete. Will eventually wear out and fall off. New fist-bump interaction only for bracelet friends. Can demand it back.
Diaper Change Table for Infants and Toddlers, but not after potty training. Attached diaper-pail trash can option. One option folds down from the wall.
Babyproofed gate/door - little ones can try to break out... and can succeed.
Celebration cannon
Sleeping bags
Interlockable bookshelves
the playmat ... has little toys built in for them to play with.
Yeah, this is just a normal fence and gate in a cute theme, so it'd work as a puppy pen. There is an interaction on all doors/gates now to "Apply Babyproofing" and I don't THINK that applies to puppies, but you can still lock for pets.
Fun note: there are 2 types of suitcases. The ones NPCs bring for Temp Stays are temporary, and should be taken once the stay ends. However, since we knew you all would want to build with them, there are 2 new suitcases (one for children!) available in build/buy!
Likes and Dislikes are being updated from 20 to 50, as seen in a screenshot on Twitter (NOTE: This is probably a base game update, but that has not been confirmed): - SimGuruNinja tweet:
I don’t know if there are Milestones specifically from Parenthood or not, but there are a lot from other expansions. I do know we did a lot of cross-pack compatibility work with various features in connection with Parenthood.
In this free base game update, you will have the chance to create and modify infants in CAS with the opportunity to show off a wide range of clothing, accessories and hairstyles, adopt an infant, age up from a newborn to an infant to a toddler, change an infant’s diaper, give the infant a nap, put the infant to sleep and more! Infants will also have the ability to express needs, emotions and sentiments. Caring for an infant is intense, and just like real life, there's little time or energy for your Sim’s own needs! - blog
The onesie shown in the trailer is part of the base game update - SimGuruNova tweet:
They do crawl in Basegame. Growing Together has them sort of ramp up to all that they can do in Basegame as they unlock Milestones. We wanted there to be -plenty- to do with Infants if you just have Basegame.
The toddlers normally have enough and will eventually throw a tantrum to have someone take them out. It play sooo nicely. I also really appreciated this bug fix. I use high chairs all the time now.
You can feed these foods to infants m because they are meant for infants, but I have had my toddler walk up and swipe the finger foods from my infant and eat it. ? Some toddlers are wild.
CAS includes baby glasses with backstrap, baby helmet
Storkbites (birthmarks) will fade away as Sims age.
From the Livestream, on Attachment and Reward Traits:
Infants can be neglected or form attachment. Moodlets eg "Well cared for". A crying but attached child will be less sad (has trust) than one that's been neglected before.
Reward traits when Infant ages up related to trust.
From the Livestream on changes for other packs:
Yes, Infants can pet the dog!
with Parenthood, increased Parenting skill applies to Infant care too
"Have Science Baby" as new option, alone or with another Sim, including Sims you don't have a romantic relationship with - e.g. for surrogacy storytelling. Skips pregnancy and birth.
Newborns now have same skintone range as all other Sims, correct genetic eye colour. Other changes in appearance and movement skew them younger.
Seamless transition between interactions, without putting them down.
Caregivers will properly respond to crying.
Newborns will react to weather, temperature.
Show off to easier to complete.
Toddlers can entertain newborns.
Shorter age now, others are longer.
From the Livestream:
Patched objects include new bassinet (first non-pack new one since launch), many cribs including to match existing toddler/child furniture, wall-mount bookshelves, three toys with sensory-development focus, rugs
Playpen fencing can be babyproofed, as can any door or gate in the game.
Some cribs can be upgraded to a toddler bed. Can also add a mobile to a crib; it plays a selection of lullabies.
Travel crib can be taken in inventory.
Bassinets are just for newborns, & they are restricted to them - though we updated that experience to flow better. Infants use cribs which are bigger, & they most certainly aren’t restricted. We have a bunch of new cribs coming to Basegame for free with the patch!
Not only does The Sims 4 #GrowingTogether come with new Create a Sim items ? - birthmarks, stretch marks & cesarean scars will be coming to The Sims 4 base game on March 14 ??