"OEII1001;c-16506217" wrote:
I look forward to the day when I can express my personal desires for what features I would like to see included or excluded in a Sims video game without being personally attacked and labeled selfish for it. I anticipate the day where people's thoughts about a video game can be given without being seen a a personal affront to others. Unfortunately this community is not there yet, and it is why I seldom read these forums anymore.
I never took things personally, lol, when I only want the feature I want implemented and want EA to ignore other features that other people want, you expect other people who want these features to just agree with you? Again for example, I don't care about customized holidays or calender I consider them minor things I mostly care about weather and weather effects (which should be the main focus of a weather EP!) Guess what I didn't even voice my opinion for that or yelled at EA for wasting their time on these minor features, I understood some people want these features so I'm happy for them to have them
Actually if EA pushed the release of seasons to few more months to include all the features that people want (or at least the most important like snow depth and hail, sunburnt..etc) this wouldn't have happened so it's not your fault or mine
It's EA's