8 years agoLegend
Hand Washing Arm Ache?
One would expect this to happen the first time a Sim used the wash tub. My very young couple are dirt poor and couldn't afford a fancy set of sparkling new machines to do the work. So, she has a wash tub. She immediately got to work and plowed through that dirty pile of clothes, after thoughtfully picking through the pockets for any surprises. Then she hung them on the line. It seemed to take days, not hours, for her clothes to dry. (She must not be good at wringing things out.) Finally, the next time I played them I made a point to check the clothes all hung out on the line. They were dry. Hurray! In the meantime, their laundry basket was so full they had two other piles of clothes on the floor. How embarrassing when you're about to throw a birthday party. :/ So, as soon as I could I had her remove the clothes from the line and start washing the clothing on the lot. Silly Sim, she gathered up everything. I'm guessing that's why she stopped mid-wash, and hasn't gone back to finish the job. In fact, the game won't let her continue. She's got hand-washing achy arms (or however it's worded.) LOL I feel for her. It was my hands that ached, when I had to do the laundry in the bathtub. There was just the two of us at the time. It was wringing things out that hurt my hands. I don't recall my arms aching … but that was way back in the mid-seventies, too.
Please share your Laundry Day funny moments. :)
Please share your Laundry Day funny moments. :)