I'm a little annoyed they turned happy haunts into a stuff pack, as if the sims 4 is hurting for more stuff! Sims 4 has too many stuff packs yet this is their go to solution for a quick buck. They knew people wanted happy haunts to be more than stuff pack but they decided to cut corners yet again. I'm also annoyed that supernatural has been cut up into various packs at this point to make players pay for more. Vampires, realm of magic, and now happy haunts should of been an entire expansion pack. There are so many packs in this game that are being chopped up when they can go into one pack and it bothers me that ea has found a way to make us pay more for less.
Sims 3 supernatural: fairy, zombies, ghosts, witches, vampire perks rolled into one.
Sims 4 supernatural: Spooky pack, realm of magic pack, vampires pack, paranormal pack etc.