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EA_Lanna's avatar
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4 years ago

Harold Tours the Countryside

"Henford-on-Bagley;d-000000" wrote:
I'm in Henford-on-Bagley!
Llama Tell You ‘bout Cottage Living

Sul Sul… Is this how it goes? No matter. Hey there, it’s me, Harold the Llama, and before you go about wondering how a llama like myself managed to prepare a blog, I'll have you know these nails have been trimmed to perfection to reveal the capable keyboard connoisseur that I am. But my motor skills are not what this is about! It's about my charming home of Henford-on-Bagley.

Sim legends of old say that Henford-on-Bagley was created from the perfect mingling of earth and water… but I'm pretty sure some Sims loved the nearby Cordelia Falls and that the River Bagley runs through it in all of its glory. Hmmm, majestic.

Anywho, in order to get to know more about this charming village, we will have to visit all of its neighbourhoods. Our first stop is Finchwick, where the action happens!... Sort of… in a manner of speaking. Finchwick prides itself as a historically bustling and tight-knit community.

What a hoot! Loving Harold as much as I am?! You can read much more about Bagley's Countrylife adventure in his blog post!

If you haven't yet had a chance to catch Harold's marvelous introduction of the Cottage Living Trailer, you're in for a treat. Watch the trailer below:

That's one cool Llama <3 :)
  • Karamazov123's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    I feel like the video would have been better if Harold had a dragon co-narrator to bounce off of. Just something to consider for future gameplay trailers.
  • I'd still love to see an interactive map along with households who live there.
  • Good script for this video. Wish Plumbella could've narrated tho, I ? her accent.
  • logionX's avatar
    Seasoned Vanguard
    I liked Harold a lot, he had charm and a nice personality.
  • The Village and structures are full of charm, very picturesque. To me, seems to be very appealing.
  • bluzkat's avatar
    New Spectator
    I am actually excited about this EP. Looking forward to playing.
  • Trailers have improved a lot and I enjoy this one very much. Has the entertainment factor of LGR and made me want to hear more.
  • I've already pre-ordered mine just waiting for that magical download button to appear. I've been waiting for some more depth to this game and looks like this pack might bring some much-wanted play. I"m particularly interested in the children cooking and the child swimming in the pond in the introductory video. Also the new plants and YASS farm animals!