Forum Discussion

jprp83's avatar
7 years ago

HELP! Celebrities are invading my game!

Is it just me or are celebrities too common in Get Famous? It makes sense that you are able to see a lot of them in the new world, but c'mon I had like 5 celebrities at the same time in my restaurant in Oasis Springs and none of the customers would sit down because they were star-struck by them. Also the game doesn't seem to stop generating new celebrities!!! Outside the new world I think we should see at most one random celebrity per neighborhood. Please tweak this devs!!!

93 Replies

  • Edit : on a side note i know i can go into household management and check their fame manually... but it breaks game immersion for me.. i like the fact that people just show up randomly and see Sims I don't know just show up into town...
    On another note.... peaked my interest on MCCC -> does it just download from your own gallery or the community gallery?
  • 83bienchen's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    7 years ago
    For those who keep having problems with celebs flooding their game and are not afraid of using mods, you might want to try my

    townieoverhaul_lessfame Mod over at Deichschaf Sims.

    TownieOverhaul_LessFame (MiscMods): With this mod, celebrities will no longer invade all lots in your neighbourhoods. The mod also reduces the generation of new townies significantly. The only Sims that will be generated are those with special traits or careers required. There is a separate package for the Jungle natives. As soon as you install that package, no further natives will be created. For reduced celebrities in restaurants please download my restaurantguestoverhaul mod. Important note: This mod is not compatible with my small townieoverhaul mod.

    @zoeisabelia: There are tons of great celebs uploaded to the Gallery. If I were in your shoes, I would download some of those and place them in my world as townies.
  • It's a bit disappointing that it cannot stop generating random celebrities in the sims 4. I was really happy to see the get famous option in game option but I don't like to see the NPC random celebrities because I have an actor sim in my game. I rather promote other premade sims up to celebrities instead of downloading others from gallery.

    The point is that it's unable to introduce even to newly generated celebrities if my sim didn't get any stars. If it's just a roll to fill out the curtain number of celebrities in town, why not premade sims are allowed to get into famous life? All of them are randomly generated and they don't do anything and take all trophies which can be my sims' ones in the award ceremony. I delete them every week, then my sim gets award every week as an actor. Before I've deleted them, my sim hadn't had any trophies for a long time. They're just useless.