@CherbitDip She has a lot of the packs that I have...Here are my suggestions.
-Cottage Living adds ingredients, new gardening options, A descent but not great world. You can have pet chickens, Cows and Lamas, but its more you have to care for. Some of the clothing isn't that good, it's kind of farmer type clothing i guess you could say but some of it is descent.
-City Living adds a city environment/world it's not great, it adds a few events to your calendar like a geek con festival or something, honestly Id gives it a 6 out of 10, but if she wants to live in an apartment in a city then it might be a good buy.
-If she doesn't have cats and dogs, I highly recommend it, tons of breeds of cats and dogs, good clothing and build items. A very good world to explore or live in, and the ability to run a vet clinic. Which is slightly bugged but not real bad. I would still put this near the top of the list.
-the pack that adds the butler has good build items like furniture, and the ability to have a butler, but the whole butler thing is flawed, he almost never sleeps, doesn't really clean a lot, or do chores. He doesn't work very well so might avoid this one
I'd go with Cats and Dogs if she doesn't have it yet, she may enjoy paranormal pack, it has ghost gameplay addition, haunted houses, etc. pretty good.