Help with Curtains. (Calling All Builders, even users of CC)
I don't currently have any Custom Content in my game but I do use carefully selected Mods.
The curtains in game are driving me insane and spoiling my latest build. Please provide tips, links to up-to-date CC or other ideas.
Specifically, the lovely gallery build I downloaded and am renovating features multiple sized windows in a single room; several times over. Getting curtains to match a single tile and a three tile window (or a double tile which is really two single-tiles side by side) is infuriating.
Yeah curtains are ridiculous :( Some things that help give more options are resizing them (bracket keys) and alt-place or maybe control-place or option-place depending on your keyboard. What are the item names of the windows you're using? Maybe people here can find some good choices for you
If you have issues with curtains snapping to the windows when you don't want to, there's a trick to avoid it. Temporarily move the window to a completely different place. Then place the curtains. Move the window back to its original place.
Also, seeing as windows and curtains are both non-functional objects, it's relatively safe to use the move objects cheat. Just make sure to turn it back off before placing any functional objects.
There are some curtains that come in several sizes, for one, two, and even three tiles windows. But I usually avoid adding different sized windows in the same room (sometimes even in the entire house) because of the curtain issue.
screenshot of the room be handy but honestly its always lots of trial error I just try curtains until they look nice or don't and then don't have curtains at all if they don't :lol:
The four-panel casement window, being so short, is a little bit of a limiting factor, but there are still a few matching options that will work for all four window types:
Bamboozle Blinds and the matching Blinds de Nuit depending on window height. Repeat side-by-side for the 2 and 3 tile windows Puppet Theatre Curtain. Repeat side-by-side for the 2 and 3 tile windows H. S. Trionic Draperies. Place the higher of the two curtain rods above the window frame so that the lower curtain rods lines up with the window frame. It won't slot in but it will line up easily with no need for option-place. For the 1 and 2 tile windows use 1 curtain and center it. For the 3 tile window use 2 curtains, centered between the 1st and 2nd tile and between the 2nd and 3rd tile (they will overlap). Mini Noren Curtain (Snowy Escape). Repeat side-by-side for the 2 and 3 tile windows
Another solution that includes the four-panel casement window is to use a curtain that fits that window, and then use it as a cafe curtain on the taller windows. That is, the curtain rod goes partway down the window
Any of the curtains that have a left side and a right side can be used with single Great Wall Hole, double Great Wall Hole, and Triptych windows, provided you don't mind the end of the curtain hanging down a bit past the bottom of the window. The curtain rods can be overlapped or not. The only left/right set I have that I don't like with a 3-tile window is the one from Paranormal Stuff that has the rectangular panel at the top, it looks weird to have it stop in the middle.
And then here are a bunch of curtain options that work with single Great Wall Hole, double Great Wall Hole, and Triptych windows. For the 1-tile curtains use 1 tile of curtain per tile of window.
Billionaire's Hand-Me-Down Curtains and matching Billionaire's Slightly Larger Hand-Me-Down Curtains (Seasons) Minimalist Drapes Woven Wonder Drapes (High School Years) Nouveau Riche Blinds Veil of Mystery Morse's Window Shades (Get to Work) Royal Wedding Swag Caress Curtains Slender Indecision Valances. These match the H. S. Trionic Draperies if you wanted to put those on the short window and Indecision on the taller windows. Classic Curtain (Cats & Dogs) Decidedly Neutral Curtains (Desert Luxe) Curtains of the Shadowsmiths (Spooky Day) - overlap the finials at the ends of the curtain rods Simple Curtains Medium and Short (Seasons) Sprightly Curtains and Otherworldly Curtains (Realm of Magic)
If you want some great basic CC curtains, these from Peacemaker come in a bunch of colors and are made for all different size windows and wall heights.
"Kita5399;c-18253516" wrote: If you want some great basic CC curtains, these from Peacemaker come in a bunch of colors and are made for all different size windows and wall heights.
I second this. Peacemaker is the only CC buy mode creator I download from. His stuff is fantastic.
Ravasheen has a simple little mod that removes the 'snap to window' restriction. With that restriction removed you have the freedom to place any and all window coverings (including cc ones) in whatever way you want. It means you can use any curtain to fit around just about any size/shape of window.
You can resize them, layer them, move them up and down, alt place them next to each other, place them over doorways, etc etc.
It's such a simple little mod, but makes a huge difference on the versatility of blinds and curtains.
Edit to add: The name of the mod is called "No Curtain Snapping". She also has cc modular curtains that let you make custom curtains to fit any width window. That cc is called "Window Shopping Modular Curtains".