Forum Discussion

sparky1922's avatar
6 years ago

Help with using the Mod conflict detector

I am used to using conflict Mod detector programs in other sims series so decided to try the program for 4 over on MTS however despite it stating the language is in english most is not but I managed to get it working of sorts and got a scan then when I clicked on scan results I got the following info

and it states conflicts 0 duplicates 0 however some files are outlined in grey so I am wondering if that means anything?

I also notice in the conflicts section it states not analysed so am wondering if that means there has been no scan at all for conflicts?

also to the left there are a lot of red warning faces that appear to state file loading error so i am wondering what this means as well..

any help with this would be gratefully received as I would like to know how to use the program efficiently with having to check mods constantly when new patches and packs come out..
  • If you look down at the bottom under Settings, the color coding is explained (including examples of exactly what it will look like). by default, that grey is "normal file, no conflict". it's the same as green, but for a different type of file.

    Not Analyzed means it didn't check the file. If you look at the very bottom of your screenshot, see that orange bar that's half full? That is the scan and analysis progress. It is not complete, in your image. hence why so many files are not analyzed.

    Those loading errors along the left are files that it is having trouble loading. For me, those cause the program to hang...leading to analysis never completing. I have to move the indicated files out of my mods folder before I run the scanner (fortunately I only have one such mod...which is fine, the program just doesn't like it). You will also see the loading error if you try to run the scanner while the game is running...don't do that.

    Honestly, the analyzer is so far from perfect it is hardly a useful tool. It reports conflicts that aren't truly a problem, so take the results with a grain of salt. I use it to scan for duplicates, and then look at each conflict it detects making a note of what mods they are...then I go in game to see how the supposed conflicts actually function. 99% of the time, they all function fine and I leave them in.

    The best source of mod issues is the forums/site where you downloaded them. Don't use mods after any game patch until their author gives the okay or provides an update saying they are fine. Any mods where the authors aren't around anymore, I personally purge, although you can of course test and read community reports on how they are functioning. More hassle than it's worth imo though, as mods can often break things in game that are seemingly un-related to what the mod does. (I'm not saying do not use the analyzer...just don't expect it to save you much time managing mods).
  • Hi @Stormkeep

    Thank you for that info I decided to give it a go as after trying to keep up to see if my favorite mods had been updated I started thinking that I could have duplicated similar mods so thought this might be an easy way to check them but after what you have said i think I will go through the similar sounding ones and check the resource strings they are using (I thinks that's what they are called-) which will mean at least I have probably done it properly :)