Forum Discussion

Godleyjeans's avatar
6 years ago

Hints, hints and more hints: Are babies about to be improved?!

Was it me or was that little exaggeration about babies not being objects strike fellow simmers as...a bit of a tease?

Before the "It was just a joke" comments appear, lets throwback to the sneak announcement of toddlers into the game: remember when an apparent 'Gift' for a staff member got posted and it was a sim version photo of him, his wife and their TODDLER daughter, but of course, they denied it being a confirmation for a toddlers announcement with their dying breath until a surprise baseball upside the head update realise some time later.

As we all know, EA/Sim staff are extremely...I don't want to say bad, but, not well skilled in the art of hinting about upcoming content, even when it's a secret we pretty much know isn't a secret but...yeah.

All I'm saying is, they're working on babies and either someone tried to be funny or higher-ups were like "Hint but don't hint, we can't let them know whats coming but let them know anyway!"

It doesn't make sense, does it? EXACTLY!

If this is a secret announcement, how do you feel about it and the way thing content is being released, new wise?

Are you excited? Annoyed? hoping for certain items or just plain not bothered but happy for anyone obsessed with realistic gameplay?

Personally, I'm excited, but also very aware that EA likes to throw us curveballs and then deny themselves all the way to Egypt and back (The river, denial, get it?), so, I'm sorta excited but not expecting much but also hoping for a few items that will make babies worth being unlocked.

Yes, there could be better content being made instead, yes they could maybe instead focus on updates and repairs and the like, but some of us want babies to be free of their bassinette prisons so how about we all just agree to disagree.

I'm now gonna go, please save the sass for another time and comment below with what you think, feel and what this possible content means for your gameplay. (An again, save the sass for later)

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas/holiday and enjoy the upcoming new year. bye