Forum Discussion

sparky1922's avatar
9 years ago

Hiring staff on a non sims owned community lot?

Hi All,

I decided to play Sims 4 for the first time in months today and am busily trying things out but the one thing I have noticed almost immediately is when I send my Sim to community lots such as the nightclub, pool and cafe the Barristers and mixologists keep leaving the venues then more will arrive and leave again in the same manner so I am wondering if this is a bug of some sort? I notice when clicking on the bar or coffee machine that it says hire staff so am I able to do that without my sim actually owning the venue?

6 Replies

  • "SPARKY1922;894136" wrote:
    Hi All,

    I decided to play Sims 4 for the first time in months today and am busily trying things out but the one thing I have noticed almost immediately is when I send my Sim to community lots such as the nightclub, pool and cafe the Barristers and mixologists keep leaving the venues then more will arrive and leave again in the same manner so I am wondering if this is a bug of some sort? I notice when clicking on the bar or coffee machine that it says hire staff so am I able to do that without my sim actually owning the venue?

    Yes, to the last question but if actually designated a bar or night club one should show up automatically without it being there as an option. I'm thinking these are retail lots right? Or some other lot type other than bar or nightclub.

  • @SPARKY1922 Yes, you can hire staff when there's no one, at least in my game. And the same happens in my game, but I noticed it with Dj's, sometimes there's one, and then, another one arrives to get the place, and repeat, repeat, and repeat...
  • @Hyeion

    Thanks for that extra info and from what you say it appears to be a common occurrence which is really annoying as it spoils the outing somewhat. Oh well that's EA for you :)


    Thanks for that could you tell me how to designate a lot like that please as I am playing sims series 1-4 at the moment with 4 being the least played so I have just about forgotten how to do anything in 4-) I loaded the game up today and noticed the new hoods and lots such as a nightclub, cafe and pool which I assumed were community lots and as such thought they would be staffed automatically by the game but upon my Sim's arrival at these venues there is rarely anyone there serving and as stated earlier if there is they keep disappearing. I don't want to run/own a business yet as I hardly know how to play this series and have just been purchasing the expansion packs when they are on sale so when I decided I wanted to play again everything would all be there ready and waiting :)

    Oh and until you said retail shop I have not come across it yet :)

  • So how can i make my sim own a self build public bar . Pool . Art centre or generic public lot? And how do i get staff in there? Build them allready but nobody appears as staff .. plz help
  • They have to leave because it's another sim's shift. I think shift work is a cool feature. And yes you can hire workers on all community lots, not just retail lots.
  • "StealthSNAKE;c-16256954" wrote:
    So how can i make my sim own a self build public bar . Pool . Art centre or generic public lot? And how do i get staff in there? Build them allready but nobody appears as staff .. plz help

    You can build one, but your Sim can't own it. Just build it, make sure the designation is what you want for the lot--bar, pool, etc. You can pick that in the upper left hand corner of the build screen. Just open the menu by clicking on the house icon with the "i" for lot info. You'll see a drop down menu with choices, and there will also be the object requirements needed for that particular lot in another list on the menu.

    If you build a bar lot, a bartender will automatically spawn when you go to the lot with your Sim. A DJ will automatically spawn at Clubs with a DJ booth, etc, etc. Let's say, tho, that you wanted a pool, with a bar. Since it is a pool, a bartender doesn't automatically spawn. But when you visit the lot, click on the bar that you have added when you built the lot, and select Hire Staff. The amount listed, around $100, will be charged to your budget, and the bartender will then spawn. You can do this with a lot of the objects, including the Coffee Bar to hire a barista, the Massage Table for a masseuse, even the Fridge and choose Hire Caterer. Any musical instrument can also be used the same way to spawn a musician.