Forum Discussion
11 Replies
- leucosiax4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Yes you can have horses in Henford on Bagley, but because that expansion pack came out before Horse Ranch, some routing paths are a little broken, and they can't get the int snail path because horses themselves can do certain things like stairs. Some houses on are lots with platforms,( the first few smaller horse), so having them in their household is not really possible because they can access a stable even if you build one for them. Most other lots are find and the bigger lots they have ample space to play. I put horses every lot on Henford, I could. You can also use them to travel, instead of a car, if you like to play historical game play. Henford on Bagley is a great world for horses. Ravenwood and Moonwood Mill are also pretty good. You can have horses in any world though
- DeepPurpIe4 months agoSeasoned Ace
Is the neighbourhood good for horses though? I know it won't be like in the neighborhood the EP came with but does it feel natural?
- elliebreton4 months agoLegend
I have horses in the parts away from the town centre and it feels natural enough. There are plenty of open spaces and countryside to ride through and it seems similar to where I live (there are farms with horses in walking distance of our town).
- MaggieMae72764 months agoSeasoned Ace
I love horses in Henford! The rural atmosphere fits perfectly for me. The larger lots, 2 50x40 and 1 64x64, have plenty of room for a house, barn, gardens and animals. My sims love living on the farms and I enjoy the gameplay with all the different types of animals, including the sheep and goats from Horse Ranch. I really enjoy the world that comes with Horse Ranch, Chestnut Ridge, as well. Great for a western style theme.
- GalacticGal4 months agoLegend
I never let the world my Sims live in dictate one way or the other if they should have horses, I've even had them in Del Sol Valley, a less than likely place to find horses, too. As for Henford-on-Bagley my Global Superstar lives there and he currently has two horses. When he gets back from his World Tour (he's a huge Rock Star), he'll not only take a wife, finally, but he'll be adding other farm animals. Oh, and he's got a coop with some chickens, too. All on the big lot at the top of the Hill. Yeah, I evicted the NPC Sims and plowed down their house. LOL
- bshag4lv4 months agoSeasoned Ace
I have had horses in every neighborhood, with the exception of San Myshino. I moused over several apts and some of them had 1 or 2 horses?? How do they get upstairs...take the elevator??
- Le_Slacker4 months agoSeasoned Ace
I found its the most suited for horses out of Chestnut. In fact i feel it completes it nicely since its mostly a desert setting over there. Finchwick maybe not, perso i left a sheep operation there but ideally id put no animals there in the town, but thats me. In old new Henford is a toss, i have saves where i put a Big Ranch in the middle to simulate Yellowstone. And leave farms on the other 3 lots (or can put ranches there as well if your goal is an equestrian community). The Bramblewood area is absolutely the best for horse back riding ! I hope i got all the names of the neighbourhood right i just got those two packs this summer actually ...
- crocobaura4 months agoLegend
It's a countryside neighbourhood with lots of open neighbourhood spaces to roam so I think it's perfectly suitable for horses. You don't find grass patches growing in the neighbourhood space like in Chestnut Ridge, so you need to be mindful and either plant or take food for the horse with you if you wish to travel away from your home lot for a longer time.
- atreya334 months agoLegend
I have had my sims take horses to henford. It is a very pretty scenery . They look like the really belong there, just like the mini sheep from horse ranch. The only downside is that some places are inaccessible to horses .
- cbarber894 months agoSeasoned Ace
Henford on Bagley's the perfect place for horses, what else would you expect to see wandering through the countryside if not horses :) and 100% to the bigger lots rather than the town centre ones, it'll get very cramped very quickly :)
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