Forum Discussion

LBonne24's avatar
2 years ago

Horsing Around 🐎 🐴

So it looks like we're getting a horse ranch expansion. People are sharing info about there being sheep and goats as well as horses. And it being a world based on Arizona.

Which is pretty cool. It does kind of put paid to the idea that fairies and horses are being combined in some kind of magical awesomess that leads to Seahorses that are rideable, and unicorns. At least in this pack. But doesn't necessarily mean that once fairies come we won't see unicorns added in, and a mermaid update too.

But this is pretty interesting in it of itself. I wouldn't have minded a non-American world for this. Or even for them to be a bit ambitious if possible and make the different neighborhoods look like different areas in the world where horses have been known to roam and strike dashing figures. Like the plains, desserts, highlands, etc.

But being set in Arizona means that they can give us new harvestables that grow well in hot climates. More peppers (do well even have any?), beans, varieties of tomatoes, squash, they could give us a trellis, tropical fruits that grow well in this area bc it still gets a lot of sun. They could introduce the architectural styles native to the area, along with the types of ranch style stuff you'd see normally.

And that greenhouse kit would probably come in handy here.

One thing I hope, though I kind of doubt would happen, is that they actually increase household size in a stable way. And separate pets from regular sims. Like how in sims 3 the humans were on one axis and the pets were on another when you looked at their portraits? That, but with them each having their own separate household limit size, in the total household limit.
So maybe you can only have like 8 pets total. But you can spay your pets still, and still adopt out any pets you can't keep. I don't know if there’s a function to ask a friend to adopt your extra pet, but if not add it in.
That way if you have say a dog, and you train them to herd the sheep. And that dog has a mate, and they both count as pets. But so do your two horses, and your cat. You're already at 5 pets. And your cat doesn't have a partner yet, and you don't know if they need/want one, or if you want them to have one. But if both your dogs and your horses have children, there's a good chance your cat can't have either children, or a mate. So being able to adopt out extras would be good. But having that separate household count is even better bc otherwise there's only 3 slots for non-pet sims.

Other cool stuff would be about the sheep and goats. Not only would we have new sources of fibers/textiles like wool and cashmere; we'd have more sources of lactose free milk and cheese. Currently we just have the plant milk, and I think soy if you have eco living. But we'd have things like feta, and Greek yogurt, etc. .

As well as more of that wrapped meat like in cottage living. Which means they can introduce more foods from different cultures. Because we'd have goat and mutton. So more types of curry, stews, and things like that could be added to the game.

Heck since it's Arizona they could add cacti, and things like cactus candy, and little succulents that sims could grow inside that level up both the gardening and flower arranging skills, a bit like the bonsai tree.

I think this could be really interesting. I am a little, just a smidge, disappointed that it's not combined with fairies in some super huge fantastical fashion. But really only because that means we're still waiting on news on fairies and that it's likely to be in a game pack. But that's probably for the best. Bc occults that come in expansion packs tend to get crap treatment. Looking at you aliens, mermaids, and I suppose plantsims too (though you were added to basegame).