Forum Discussion

meeoun's avatar
10 years ago

Hospital Track: Why are all my colleagues lazy pieces of ----!?

My Sim is in the doctor career (Assistant Nurse). I have 1 nurse and an orderly that do nothing but talk all day while I'm doing everything. The doctor wont get off his lazy bum and diagnose some of these patients even after I give him the a referral from the patient. I have no idea what the desk clerk does-- make useless announcements?

Anyone have this figured out? (Hospital Workplace) Patients keep parading in the front and get upset because I can't treat them all by myself... : (

22 Replies

  • "Kamio;c-13493033" wrote:
    Oh! My Sim is currently an R.N. I must be the only one that actually enjoys the fact that my Sims Colleagues aren't super on the case of everything.

    The Doctor Co-Worker is constantly running analysis'
    And The Orderly cleans up the lot and fixes the machines when they break down.

    ---so they do kind of get stuff done.

    The nurse spends most of her time chatting to patients...but atleast it looks like she is doing something. So I don't complain ;)

    I'll get frustrated by a pile of rubbish and go to pick it up and chuck it out...only to discover that the Orderly beats me there.

    I will admit though, that I think that the assistant is more for show than anything else.

    Colleagues don't admit patients to beds...which to be honest I am so GREATFUL FOR!!!!!!! I ran into a lack of beds once and was mortified when my sim kicked a patient out of bed to admit her dad. Yeah.... no conflict of interest there or anything like that *cough* *cough*

    My one gripe...completely unrelated to colleagues is the diagnosis! It is sooooo hard!!!! I run tests multiple times and I rarely managed to get the diagnois before the end of the work day...and even then my sim will waste over half of the day on one sim only to run out of any and every other option besides xrays and the treadmill

    ...and by that point I take a gamble and go for a higher work performance, ditch the patient and complete a few of the work goals.

    After awhile, you may find yourself able to properly guess the malady by the symptoms that present. At least I could. It's all that repetitive stuff.
  • XxAirixX's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    6 years ago
    I never had that problem. For me, it was the opposite. I tried to get my sim to work and she would be more interested in reading or something, so I always had to cancel her actions and try to hurry and have her do everything she needed before time is up and half the time I can't complete all the tasks.