Forum Discussion

LaBlue0314's avatar
New Scout
2 years ago

How do I remove this? (photo)

I already own the game for the PC, so why is this here and how to I make this go away?

  • SimplyJen's avatar
    Rising Spectator
    Have you used the EA app yet? It may be because this is the first time and it's not aware the game is already installed.

    I'm still using Origin but if you go into application settings, you should see the location for install. Make sure it's set to the same drive the game is already installed on. Restart the app. If it still says 'Download' then click it anyways. It should scan and see the game files already exist on that designated drive. Backup your game folder beforehand just in case.
  • I get this unless I click on My collection and there it doesn't show the download icon. I'm guessing its just a glitch that appeared because of free to play. I know it wasn't there when I first switched to the EAapp