1. When you begin your play what rules do you abide by (if any)
None, just have fun.
I guess the only "rule" would be, that I don't play my sims out of character, meaning a loner sim would not go to a night club and stuff like that...but it's a pretty loose rule tbh.
I have to schedules eithers, I play the household I feel like playing for however long I want to, sometimes I play 3 households in one hour and sometimes I play one household for 3 hours...whatever I feel like that day.
2. How many characters do you play and are they usually single..married...married with kids or are they direct family members (example ..mom dad and/or siblings
Currently? Idk...I've got everything, single, married with kids, couples, multi-generational households (from grandparent to grandchild), with and without pets, all of them.
3. how long does this type of play hold your interest approximately? ( for example..a week...a month ...longer?)
well, when did Sims4 come out for consoles? since then and still going.
4. Do you usually use NewCrest so you can create your own town or do you have a favorite neighborhood and why?
I use whatever world I feel like fits for the sim(s) to live in, my sims are spread out over multiple worlds...NewCrest is not one of them though, I do not like that world.
5. Would you say there is any draw backs to rotational play and if yes then what would those draw backs be?
Not for me. Btw I play with aging off, so that might take some of the struggles away.
6. other then using rotational play what type of simmer are you in game...for example ...do you prefer family related play....single sims over couples...do you prefer to begin as a teen in a family or something else.
I like variety, which is why I play rotationally, so I can play with EVERYTHING whenever I feel like it, that's why I hardly ever get bored.
I love to create my own world(s), so I delete pre-mades/NPCs in houses and build my own venues/homes, besides the creative side of it, I also care more about the sims that way.