1. When you begin your play what rules do you abide by (if any)
I don’t really consider these “rules” like in a challenge but more just guidelines to keep my families organized and prevent things from happening that I don’t want to happen when I’m not playing them. I usually play a family Sunday - Saturday and then switch to the next one. I switch families at around 8am Sunday morning so each family gets a full week and I don’t risk them missing work or skipping work due to when I rotate in. I play with aging turned on only for the active family so that I don’t miss out on birthdays and life events in other families and no one dies outside of the active household.
2. How many characters do you play and are they usually single..married...married with kids or are they direct family members (example ..mom dad and/or siblings
Varies. In my biggest rotational save, I have like 40 different a sims I rotate between. Just depends on the sabes and what goals I have for the storyline in it.
3. how long does this type of play hold your interest approximately? ( for example..a week...a month ...longer?)
Infinite because I also rotate between saves, so I have endless possibilities. If I get bored with a particular save I just avoid it for a few months until I want to play it again, and I play in other saves during that time.
4. Do you usually use NewCrest so you can create your own town or do you have a favorite neighborhood and why?
Also depends on the save and my goals for the game / personalities of the sims and families I’m playing.
5. Would you say there is any draw backs to rotational play and if yes then what would those draw backs be?
No drawbacks. That’s the glory of the sims. You can play however you want and if you don’t enjoy a certain play style you just end the game and open a new one :D
6. other then using rotational play what type of simmer are you in game...for example ...do you prefer family related play....single sims over couples...do you prefer to begin as a teen in a family or something else.
Both family and single sims, all life stages. I play it all because it just depends on what storyline I have in my head for whatever save I’m playing.