@wickichick so you split them up by seasons? does the garden still look good that way?
I don't really need to pay attention to the worth of the plants cause my gardening sim is not selling them, she uses them for herbalism, potions, cooking, juice fizzing and flower arrangements (she is the sim who's filling up my shops), but I like to have at least one of everything.
RavanSpit...yes it does ...i put winter first because that garden is closest to the back porch...your garden can look as nice as you like..i set up my planters for the plants that fit into this season...then I put in dirt in the entire square and fence it off and i put a walk way in the center using a stone flooring....i usually do this on a 64x64 lot ..the garden is pretty big as you can imagine and there has to be room for the garden space and the house...you can add outdoor decor to each garden space ....can even put in some outdoor lights ...you could even landscape your garden space with pretty plants/trees/flowers and rocks...i need to set up a photo sight so i can put pictures in here again so much easier then trying to explain sometimes ..lol!