"wickichick;c-17622266" wrote:
GlacierSnow...I would refer to how you use your six saved files as being rotational since you play more then one household within a save. I am not certain how i might rotate in the long run but as i am just starting and no one has jobs or kids yet ..it is easier to just do whatever ..once sims have jobs i will have to save only when everyone is home from school/work.
yes, i can see how seasons is an issue but since my households are going to be closely intertwined ..they will all have some kind of interaction with each holiday....even if it might be coming over for a family dinner or a halloween party.
It is interesting you say the game is about teens..i would say maybe young adults ..but lol it seems you can create venues that would be created to have more of a teen vibe. I have read that from several simmers in other posts ...someday i will have to explore a bit more in depth how folks mean.
Thank you for posting..i enjoyed reading how you rotational play!
Sorry, I think I wasn't clear in my last answer. When I said "that game is mostly about the teens" I was referring to my own game file not the Sims 4 game as a whole. I meant that the one saved game where I play with teens is a game in which I am completely focused on the teens and do not pay much attention to the adults, except in how they relate to the teens. It is a vampire high school story. It is one of my biggest rotational games, with 16 different households that I play. In all my other saved games, rotational or not, I mostly play with young adults. I agree that the Sims 4 in general has more of a focus on young adults.