1. When you begin your play what rules do you abide by (if any).
I turn auto-aging on for all unplayed houses. This makes the townies and sims I don’t care about or don’t want to interact with naturally age out of the game. It also gives the game something to cull so there aren’t too many sims in the game. Right now, the game generated a bunch of children townies to replace the ones that have died of old age.
2. How many characters do you play and are they usually single..married...married with kids or are they direct family members (example ..mom dad and/or siblings.
My current families are a legacy-style household, a sort of save founder, and the twin boys of the save founder. I started the game with a single sim and used that save founder to start a family. The twin boys were what I wanted to make from that family because they could only be created that way without cheats. They have a hidden trait. As I play, I introduce new households into their universe. The Legacy-style household is currently completing missions with the intended goal of resurrecting the Twins after I sorta killed them off. Playing the twins as ghosts will be its own fun which is part of why I did what I did.
3. how long does this type of play hold your interest approximately? ( for example..a week...a month ...longer?)
The game can function with 150 played sims, I’ll keep playing the save until I hit the maximum number of played sims. I’ll found a new save using a sim or household from the old save. I may transfer to the new save sims I spent a lot of time playing. The Twin Mermen from the save founder will probably become the standard save founder I’ll start a save with moving forward.
I see the Save Founder as being a lot like the Legacy Founder. They are the first household you play as and the one you use to build the world. They may have families completing challenges, but the save founder is always the one that starts the save and begins interacting with the world. Everything else usually builds off of where I leave things off with them.
4. Do you usually use NewCrest so you can create your own town or do you have a favorite neighborhood and why?
The auto aging makes certain lots become available after a household dies off. I spend most of my time building up worlds with my own lots. These lots support whatever I want to do with my sims. So far, I’ve almost never left Sulani.
On that note, I have been pushing the limits of what the game can support in my builds. I want to build a house where my founder sims almost never have to take human form. If I can make it so they can be in their merform 100% of the time while at home, that would be my goal for a build. I really would love underwater residential lots.
5. Would you say there is any draw backs to rotational play and if yes then what would those draw backs be?
I can’t really think of any except a bug I noticed from Eco-living. The active households are more resistant to getting NAP bugs. I noticed a tendency for NAP behaviors to get saved to my non-active households. This led to its own problems when I return to that household.
Other than that, I can’t say that I’ve had any problems. I find that rotational play helps with building creative stories.
6. other then using rotational play what type of simmer are you in game...for example ...do you prefer family related play....single sims over couples...do you prefer to begin as a teen in a family or something else.
I like using occult sims, and a lot of what I do to challenge myself involves looking for ways to put my own twists to challenges or push the boundaries of what can be done without mods and custom content with an occult race. Right now, I’m trying to build a fully functional home that lets merfolk stay in their merform without cheats, mods, or custom content. It’s harder than it sounds.