Metior ice ...thanks for adding your way of rotational play....i am having a lot of fun with this! Recently ..i added eco living so now i have every pack except Star Wars....i turned naps off however ...there is some bug repairs that hopefully will get addressed to make naps fun as they were intended to ..but this pack has added a lot to the game even without using naps i do really like it. I am doing something similar to what you are in many ways but not to the depth of what you have going on. Since i have not been playing the sims 4 for as long as most folks have ..i am using rotational play to experience more of what the packs have to offer...i had one goal in mind and that was to make each of the original ten sims offer something that all the sims can benefit from in some way. One sim is a spell caster working on potions and a garden of this and that to help...he is also interested in photography and is quite an athlete. He will probably open a magic shop making ingredients and potions available to other spell casters in this group. Another sim is a cook and she aims to be at level 10 cook..baking...gormet...and herbalist. She owns a bakery. Another sim is a painter and she owns a museum of the Arts where she sells her on and so on.
I would agree with you that this type of play really inspires creativity and naturally brings drama into the lives of these sims ...mine are all very close friends is a lot of fun to go to the night club and have them all dance ....I want to thank you for sharing your ways of playing rotational style ..good luck getting that home set up for your merfolk where they can live life as they were meant to as much of the time as possible.