Forum Discussion

atreya33's avatar
Seasoned Veteran
8 months ago

How intrusive is High School Years?

With the recent sale High School Years is 50% off. I have avoided this pack for a long time and have zero interest in teens. I personally enjoy playing supernaturals but from time to time also families (especially the younger ages). I already shortened the lifespan of teens back in the sims 2 days. I HATE how without telling us the teen lifestage was prolonged and became dis-proportionally long compared to the child lifestage when this pack was introduced . Just to nudge is into buying this pack. But here I am considering it after all. The world and Build Buy just looks so pretty. If I could get the items without the gameplay I would go for it right away.

But I have a a few questions

1. how bad is the body hair issue. I know there is no global on/off switch. I would have to go through every sims to disable it sim per sim. Has anyone done this? How long does it take for townies to all become hairy? If there is any mod to completely turn this off, I am willing to give it a try.
2. Crushes: how do they work. Will my played sims have crushes on others or will other sims get crushes on my sims. Are there any repercussions if I don't act on them? Will sims automatically gain love interests? I hope not. Is this only for teens?
3. Social bunny: again no global on/off option, has to be toggled sim by sim. How intrusive is this feature. Does it mess up my sims relationships.
4. Has the issue with not being able to plan holidays been resolved?
5. I heard teens kicked out of high school can never re-enroll, is this true?
6. Any bugs or glitches I should be aware off?

I would be mainly getting the pack for the world and the objects and not play teens any second longer than needed to get the character values from parenthood.