I finally updated from patch 1.89 to the current 1.93. (So I could take advantage of the Black Friday sale for High School Years, and be ready for the Infants delivery, early next year)
With it, came a whole host of bugs and issues, which I had to download more Mods to address.
I also had to update all my broken Mods. I have started to keep a typed and alphabetized listing of all my Script and Non-script Mods. It numbers in the 300's. XD
With all my Mods, you would think I would be perfectly happy with my game right? Nope. I am a generational family style Simmer. I play with my Sims with aging off for 1 or more Sim years per life stage. I flesh out my entire calendar, with vacations, breaks, birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, summers off school, parties... and recently lost that ability with High School Years, and am pretty upset about it. As High School Years, has made the High School "events" like Football rally, Cheer Rally, Career Day, and Prom.. FESTIVALS, and you cannot change, reschedule, cancel or remove them. They oftentimes are on inconvenient days and I want to change them, but cannot, such as Career Day being during Summer Vacation... And Prom being on New Years.
As soon as I got the expansion, I worked for 3 days to fix all the bugs, broken mods, and general issues before playing, and since then, I've just been more and more annoyed. I restarted an old family in a new save file so I could play with them as Teens in high school, but I'm not sure how long I'll continue to play with that expansion. Tbh I regret buying it.