OP, this is my experience because when I played that career I played it several times with several different Sims over several years. It's an interesting thing, especially if you don't spend all your time grinding and just doing the tasks you have to do. These were the bugs that existed after some patches back in 2017, and some still exist today. But I no longer play so you can look out for these things.
Let it be said when the pack was first introduced these bugs were not present.
But once CL was added due to situational outfits the game put on Sims even your own there arose a lot of problems.
1. Sims at the jail may not spawn. These were non playable and were there for you to fill some tasks like frisk prisoners etc. They also started just walking off so that task (can't remember what it's called) or fingerprinting etc. could not be done etc. At the first of this pack the game counted these characters as Sims so they counted against the head count of how many for population count. Just like the game counted dummies in the stores as Sims. But they increased the population counts so they shouldn't be a problem anymore.
2. Due to CL Sims who were the actual suspect were no longer dressing in the clues that were given. This became a huge problem and game breaking since the player couldn't fill the task to arrest the right Sim. It was still present about a year ago since random situational outfits still happen I would assume.
3. There was a problem with going back to work only to find out employees were ghosts and or replaced by ghosts (GT) pack
4. There was a problem about the chief remaining the chief so it was a problem to get the promotion, I don't know if they ever fixed it.
5. Lots where you went to get/ find the clues did not clean up (reset) after they had spots and other stuff left on them. You could see this stuff from the distances etc.
If you can't book the suspect I would call that game breaking. These things happened several times after the packs of CL, GT, Seasons and many others. The detective career became one of the most buggy things about TS4. I know I spent three years begging for fixes. Whether it's actually fixed or not will have to be proved to me. Note these were not all the bugs after they started adding more packs and patches.
But it was interesting and you had lots of time to play other things while at work. Hope they fixed it for those who gave them a zillion chances and seven years to fix it after they kept breaking it.