There's a faster way to make hybrids. All you do is type the keys Ctrl Shift C then type TestingCheats on then:
Traits.equip_trait trait Vampire Enter key
Traits.equip_trait trait FakeAlien Enter key
Traits.equip_trait trait Mermaid Enter key
And what every the Spellcaster code is.
If you don't want your sims to have all the powers you can just select what kind of hybrid you want. Also, for the Vampire if you want to have the sim imune to Sunlight just type:
Stats.set_stat RankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593 press Enter, then press Shift arrow up quite a few times to get lots of Vampire Points then go to the Power Points & select the necessary strengths with some of the weaknesses.
Different sims makes the game more interesting.